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    Behind the Bible’s stories about the rich and the poor

    Wealth and possessions have divided people ever since time began. Jesus spoke into this division when He said, “life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”

    Are contentment and ambition enemies?

    The word “ambition” often is used with suspicion in Christian circles. Perhaps because the word “selfish” is often associated with it! Don’t miss this important discussion.

    What should our attitude be about work?

    When we meet someone for the first time, we usually ask “What do you do?” So much of our identity is linked to our work, but how do we keep our jobs from defining us completely? Listen in as we explore our relationship to our labors.

    A conclusion we all need to hear

    Americans might be tempted to roll their eyes at the shorter work week that some nations are known for. But the people of those nations might shake their heads at the number of hours Americans put in at work. So, what’s the proper balance?

    Learning to hear the heart of God–Marion Stroud’s Story

    Marion cherished her free time, what little she had of it. As a wife, mother, and writer, it seemed she was always so busy! That’s why when the Lord laid it on her heart to give even more of herself by taking in two abandoned children, she hesitated. Marion shares how she learned that what […]

    Growing our relationship with God while we work

    Today we continue looking at how we can honor God while on the job.

    Work as God originally created it

    A lot of people live for the weekend, dragging in to work on Monday and counting down to Friday. But God wants us to have a different attitude about our work week.

    Age Is Not a Factor

    After owning and working at his dental lab for 50 years, Dave Bowman planned to retire and take it easy. Diabetes and heart surgery confirmed his decision. But when he heard about a group of young refugees from Sudan who needed help, he made a life-changing decision. He agreed to sponsor five of them.

    As Dave learned more about these young Sudanese men, he discovered that they had never been to a doctor or a dentist. Then one day in church someone mentioned the verse, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). He couldn’t get the…

    A new way of looking at your job

    In our waking hours, we spend about eight to ten hours at work. Work occupies a large part of our lives. Today, special guest Scott Rae joins us to talk about our work as both a calling and a vocation. Listen in as we discuss some life-changing concepts.

    a calling

    I never wanted to be the pastor of a church. So when I was approached by the elders of my congregation and asked to consider the role, I immediately refused—telling them quite clearly that being a minister was not my calling. There was no doubt in my mind that I would be no good at it. The whole idea didn’t appeal to me, and so—in my mind—God would certainly not require me to follow such a path.

    Are We Working for the Lord?

    After graduating from college, I pursued my career ambitions and became an accredited consultant at a young age. I worked for 11 years as a full-time employee, then entered private practice as a consultant, before eventually enrolling in a Bible school to pursue God’s calling.

    Now What? A Healing Journey Through Job Loss

    Unemployment can be a stressful and difficult experience, especially when it is unexpected. In this booklet, RBC Ministries staff Chuck Fridsma shares his personal journey of employment, job loss, and faith. Find hope and encouragement from his story, as he offers biblical insight and practical principles to help you respond in a way that can keep you moving forward in life.

    lazy living

    Humorist Mark Twain once said, “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow.” The tale of the grasshopper and the ant by the ancient Greek storyteller Aesop is a stark reminder of the detrimental impact of lazy living. Throughout the summer, the ant worked hard, gathering and storing food for the winter. The lazy grasshopper laughed at him, saying it was time to play and sing. When winter gripped the land, however, the grasshopper had no food and begged the ant to let him have some, but there was no excess to share.

    The Visitor

    A friend asked a newly retired man what he was doing now that he was no longer working full-time. “I describe myself as a visitor,” the man replied. “I go see people in our church and community who are in the hospital or care facilities, living alone, or just need someone to talk and pray with them. And I enjoy doing it!” My friend was impressed by this man’s clear sense of purpose and his care for others.

    My Journey of Endurance

    Having worked as a nurse for over two years, I decided it was time to learn something new and transfer to a different department in the hospital. With much enthusiasm and eagerness, I submitted my transfer request. Within a few months, it was granted and I was stationed in the ward […]

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